SMM Morning Comments

Category:-Metal | 29-May-2024 09:57 AM

Copper - Overnight, LME copper opened at $10,456/mt, rose to $10,563.5/mt at the beginning of the session, then dropped to a low of $10,440.5/mt. It finally rebounded to close at $10,499/mt. Overnight, the most-traded SHFE copper contract opened at ¥84,870/mt, rose to ¥85,330/mt at the beginning of the session, then dropped to a low of ¥84,130/mt. It finally rebounded to close at ¥84,650/mt, with a decline of 0.12%. Trading volume reached 78,000 lots, and open interest reached 20,600 lots. 

Aluminum - The most-traded SHFE 2407 aluminum contract opened at 21,250 yuan/mt overnight, reaching a high of 21,300 yuan/mt, a low of 21,125 yuan/mt, and closed at 21,205 yuan/mt, up 20 yuan/mt or 0.09%. LME aluminum opened at $2,667/mt in the previous trading session, reaching a high of $2,741.5/mt, a low of $2,667/mt, and closed at $2,732/mt, up $74/mt or 2.78%.

Lead - Overnight, LME lead opened at $2,307/mt, rising to a high of $2,351/mt, and finally dropped slightly before closing at $2,335.5/mt, up $30.5/mt, or 1.32%. Overnight, the most-traded SHFE lead contract opened at ¥18,870/mt, rose to ¥18,975/mt at the beginning of the session, then dropped to a low of ¥18,795/mt, and finally rebounded to close at ¥18,890/mt, up ¥85/mt, or 0.45%.

Zinc - Overnight, LME zinc opened at $3,071.5/mt, initially fluctuated around the average daily line, then rose to $3,095/mt during the European session, and finally surged to a high of $3,133/mt during the night session, before slightly retreating and closing at $3,119/mt, up $60.5/mt, or 1.98%. Trading volume increased to 6,982 lots, and open interest increased by 682 lots to 237,000 lots. Overnight, LME inventory decreased by 25 tons to 257,200 tons, a decline of 0.01%. Overnight, the most-traded SHFE zinc contract opened at ¥24,930/mt, surged to ¥25,185/mt at the beginning of the session, then retreated to ¥24,850/mt, and finally closed at ¥24,880/mt, down ¥10/mt, or 0.04%. Trading volume decreased to 128,000 lots, and open interest increased by 1,571 lots to 120,000 lots.

Nickel - On May 28, Jinchuan nickel was at a premium of 700-1000 yuan/mt, with an average of 850 yuan/mt, a decrease of 250 yuan/mt compared with the previous trading day. Russian nickel was at a discount of 200 to 800 yuan/mt, with an average of 500 yuan/mt, a decrease of 100 yuan/mt compared with the previous trading day. In the morning, the market rose along with the overall non-ferrous metals sector.

Tin - The closing price of the SHFE 2406 tin contract in the overnight session yesterday was 277,250 yuan/mt, up 130 yuan/mt or 0.05%. The highest price reached 280,860 yuan/mt, and the lowest was 275,580 yuan/mt.

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